Love is About Timing…

Men are Ready to Commit at THIS Time When you really sit and think about the dating process, it’s a miracle people get together at all because the timing literally has to be right for both people. Not only do two people need to WANT a relationship but there needs to be no significant life situations occurring so they can both devote their time to developing the relationship. And by life situations I mean work drama, divorce proceedings, custody arguments, caring for aging parents. These are all major occurrences and require your attention and often leave you feeling depleted. And when you’re feeling depleted, you often can’t devote the necessary time to a partner. Of course, others argue that you can still nurture a relationship during a major life event but it’s important to be completely honest about what you really want during a difficult or challenging time. Let’s discuss the DEEPER ways timing plays a role in relationships and how you’ll know when a man is ready to commit. Let’s talk about…Love is About Timing…Men are Ready to Commit at This Time Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books:

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The focus of one of America's Leading Mid-Life Dating Coaches has expanded into a deeper, essential philosophy of what it truly means to LOVE. After losing his 19-year-old son Connor in 2018, Jonathon Aslay’s grief led him on a soul-searching inner journey, where he became aware of an often-overlooked dimension of the dating conversation. He realized that the process of dating reveals the most common emotional health issue faced by many singles seeking a partner: a distressing lack of self-worth, self-regard, and self-love.