One Big Sign You Should KEEP TRYING With Him

One Big Sign You Should KEEP TRYING With Him In today’s world, we’re constantly faced with the need for immediate gratification. We want our mail order packages NOW, not in 10 days. We grab a candy bar if we have a sugar craving, and the list goes on. Even in the dating world, we reach midlife and we’re told we shouldn’t wait too long before making choices about who we want to start a relationship with. We’re older and should know what we want and the questions to ask, right? But instead of thinking we need to move faster, let’s think about the type of conversations we’re having. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about how to talk about heart-centered values and life vision in a relationship with a partner. Let’s talk about…One Big Sign You Should KEEP TRYING With Him FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books:

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The focus of one of America's Leading Mid-Life Dating Coaches has expanded into a deeper, essential philosophy of what it truly means to LOVE. After losing his 19-year-old son Connor in 2018, Jonathon Aslay’s grief led him on a soul-searching inner journey, where he became aware of an often-overlooked dimension of the dating conversation. He realized that the process of dating reveals the most common emotional health issue faced by many singles seeking a partner: a distressing lack of self-worth, self-regard, and self-love.