Say Exactly THIS When He Starts To Pull Away (Don’t Lean Back)
Say Exactly THIS When He Starts To Pull Away (Don’t Lean Back) Very often men who want a relationship really have no idea how to build a steady relationship. They don’t understand the need to have a foundation with their partner that revolves around honesty, integrity, and vulnerability. Instead, some men will get quiet and moody when they’re faced with stress or other difficulties. When their partners call them out about their moods, they get even MORE quiet and wonder why their partner is nagging them. Some will even complain, “Can’t she see that I’m struggling?” Today’s episode will explore the DEEPER reasons why men get quiet and pull away when they should be reaching out instead to their partner. Whether that response stems from childhood lessons or a divorce in their past, we’ll talk about what to say instead so he’ll open up to you. Let’s talk about…Say Exactly THIS When He Starts To Pull Away (Don’t Lean Back) Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: