THESE Men Love To Be Chased | Know THIS!
THESE Men Love To Be Chased | Know THIS! In other podcasts and videos I’ve talked about how women should not chase men, but there’s a big difference between chasing someone and putting effort into a relationship. Emotionally healthy men want women who aren’t afraid of deep conversations and who take the initiative to plan the next date. Women who put in effort truly want to know this new man in their life as opposed to just wanting to jump into bed because he’s attractive. However, certain types of men enjoy the chase and they want to play these dating games because they don’t have a healthy respect for women and they don’t have any idea what they want in life. Once you understand how these men operate, you’ll be able to avoid dating them, especially if you long for a lifelong companion. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about the types of men who get a thrill from being chased and how you can spot them. Let’s talk about…THESE Men Love To Be Chased | Know THIS! Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: