Why Men (Over 40) CHOOSE One Woman Over ANOTHER

Why Men (Over 40) CHOOSE One Woman Over ANOTHER In today’s dating world, it’s quite common for men and women to date multiple people at the same time. While you might question how do you get to know someone if there’s always another person hanging in the background, many midlife people are tired of wasting their time and they figure why not balance two people at the same time. If you find yourself in this dating situation, eventually your guy will choose one of you over the other, especially if he’s interested in an exclusive relationship. I invite you to avoid playing dating games to try winning him over. Instead, be your authentic true self and have those radically honest conversations about what you want in a relationship. You definitely do NOT have to play the meek damsel in distress or “sit in your feminine energy” waiting for him to rescue you. Let’s discuss the DEEPER personality traits that are appealing to midlife men who want a long term relationship. Let’s talk about…Why Men (Over 40) CHOOSE One Woman Over ANOTHER Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► http://jonathonaslay.com/coaching Join My VIP Group for $7– http://jonathonaslay.com/midlifelove Self-Love the Book: http://selflovethebook.com Recommended Books: http://jonathonaslay.com/jonathon-recommends

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The focus of one of America's Leading Mid-Life Dating Coaches has expanded into a deeper, essential philosophy of what it truly means to LOVE. After losing his 19-year-old son Connor in 2018, Jonathon Aslay’s grief led him on a soul-searching inner journey, where he became aware of an often-overlooked dimension of the dating conversation. He realized that the process of dating reveals the most common emotional health issue faced by many singles seeking a partner: a distressing lack of self-worth, self-regard, and self-love. www.JonathonAslay.com