Ep. 21 - Consulting in Process Mining: Jakub Dvořák

The topic "Process" seems to have a renaissance these days. A lot of younger folks are deciding to work in this industry, and a not so small part of this might be caused by the exciting new technology of Process Mining, which seems to be natural for people who grew up with technology in all areas of their life. In today's podcast we are speaking with Jakub Dvořák, who fits right into this profile, and is working at a Process Mining consulting firm in Europe that is currently expanding into the United States. Jakub is a data scientist during the day, and financial blogger at night. As part of his work, he is running the "Mining Your Business" podcast (in English) and also the Rozbité prasátko -"Break the piggy bank" - podcast (in Czech). We are talking about the following topics: Jakub’s background and interests (hint: he’s running two podcasts, and writes a book!) Process&, the company he works in, and their services for process mining How clients use process mining Jakub’s podcast “Mining Your Business” and the renaissance of Business Process Management - data science as the new thing that is interesting for (young) people How do process mining projects work Process mining analysis - what to look for What should you prepare before you start a process mining project? Lessons learned and how to get into process mining You can find Jakub's profile on LinkedIn here, and also his and Patrick's podcast on LinkedIn (give them a follow, you will enjoy their conversations and guests).  The  full show notes, including graphics, further links, credits, and transcript, are available at whatsyourbaseline.com/episode21.

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This show is about Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Management, and how you can set up your practice to get the most out of it. It is for newbies who just get started with these topics, organizations who want to improve their EA/BPM groups (and the value that they get from it), as well as practitioners who want to get a different perspective and care about the discipline. Learn more about the show and read articles about EA and BPM on www.whatsyourbaseline.com.