Ep. 25 - (Another) Ten Things I've Learned

We made it - 25 long form episodes of the podcast (and 7 "Shorts" as well).  By popular demand - and because our statistics shows it - we are having "(Another) Ten Things I've Learned" episode. This time we are talking about three major areas: How to measure your architecture and improvement programs    1. Architecture / BPM is not about the topics at hand (apps, processes, etc.) it is about people and how people interact with each other    2. When measuring architecture, make things SMART    3. Process Mining is the “next hot thing”, but it is not all and other, older process improvement methods still have their place    4. Process and Task Mining can’t shotgun a Solution How to get your arms around (some of) the people aspects    5. There is a new interest in “Process” while “EA” is still stuck in technology    6. We have a responsibility to enable the next generation of BPM and EA    7. Enablement must include “why”    8. Internal communications cannot come with expectations of attention How the "new reality" in which we work for two years by now will affect us practitioners    9. We need to rethink the role of “The Office”    10. Podcasts and videos are the new way to communicate the topics Please reach out to us by either sending an email to hello@whatsyourbaseline.com or leaving us a voice message by clicking here. The  full show notes, including graphics, further links, credits, and transcript, are available at whatsyourbaseline.com/episode25.

Om Podcasten

This show is about Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Management, and how you can set up your practice to get the most out of it. It is for newbies who just get started with these topics, organizations who want to improve their EA/BPM groups (and the value that they get from it), as well as practitioners who want to get a different perspective and care about the discipline. Learn more about the show and read articles about EA and BPM on www.whatsyourbaseline.com.