Ep. 44 - Process Notations (And Why They Are Not Important): Walter Bril

When starting with process management one of the first questions is “what process notation shall I use”. In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline? podcast we discuss this question with Walter Bril, who is one of the co-inventors of the Universal Process Notation (UPN) and why it is not *really* important what notation you should use … it is more important which approach to Business Process Management you choose. Walter has a strong process knowledge management background, combined with skills and experience in technology management for more than 20 years. Involved in and contributed to the field of practical process knowledge preservation. As you will hear, he has a no-nonsense approach and a unique and practical way to involve and motivate people regarding process knowledge management, process thinking and creating awareness. Besides nerding out on process notations, he spends more time in the interesting developments around the Bitcoin protocol and public blockchain. Particularly in the context of social developments, concerns regarding the sustainability of traditional thinking models, and the socio-economic potential that a public blockchain has to offer. The combination “process-nerd” and blockchain evangelist is particularly valuable in this (oh, and he is the co-author on two books on this topic as well). In this episode of the podcast we are talking about: Walter’s background The UPN notation and the 5 questions you should ask when modeling a process The “why” behind all this How to implement a new notation/approach in an organization How to convince people What is the “now what” then? You can reach Walter on LinkedIn or by sending him an email to walter@elements.cloud. Please reach out to us by either sending an email to hello@whatsyourbaseline.com or leaving us a voice message by clicking here.

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This show is about Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Management, and how you can set up your practice to get the most out of it. It is for newbies who just get started with these topics, organizations who want to improve their EA/BPM groups (and the value that they get from it), as well as practitioners who want to get a different perspective and care about the discipline. Learn more about the show and read articles about EA and BPM on www.whatsyourbaseline.com.