Do We Recover From Grief?

In this episode, Eleanor and Litsa talk about a question that has created some disagreement on social media recently: do we 'recover' from grief?  Our book is available anywhere you buy books: Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop  Books A Million Indiebound Hudson Booksellers Powell's Target To join the WYG member community, where we have tons of grief education, support, connection, a book club, and where you can watch the live stream of us recording and chat along -    As always, follow us on social Instagram Facebook Twitter  Pinterest TikTok

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In this podcast Eleanor Haley, MS and Litsa Williams, MA, LCSW-C, the mental health professionals behind the website and book 'What's Your Grief', leave no stone unturned in demystifying the complicated and messy world of living life after loss. One digestible topic at a time, Haley and Williams distill topics ranging from grief theory to coping. Grievers and grief professionals alike will find their approach practical, relatable, informative and engaging. Grief is sad and confusing, but your grief support doesn't have to be.