Suz and Katrina | Benji is FIVE

Five…Five feels like a milestone birthday, from when a little kid turns into, well…not a big kid, but a kid kid. Five is also creeping closer and closer to the age Benji’s sister, Lorelei, was when she gained her angel wings. Birthdays are bittersweet when your child has a terminal diagnosis. For Benji, for Mamma, this birthday is worthy of celebration. And celebrate we did! Stay tuned while we discuss Benji’s epic fifth birthday Dude Ranch Dressing celebration.   “So, they’re walking around with a pony and a kid on it in a ranch dressing costume.” - Suz Here’s what you don’t want to miss: Benji turning 5 Hidden Valley Bittersweet 5 Piggy Love Friends Worth it? Medical motherhood can feel overwhelming, questioning at times if the celebration is even noticed. We know how important it is to celebrate the milestones, inch stones, and make the memories. How do you make birthdays special? Let us know in the When Autumn Comes Society or send us a DM on Instagram! We'd love to hear from you!   When Autumn Comes: The Lavender Farm Episode WAC Instagram WAC Facebook Page WAC Society Facebook Page WAC is a program of the Apricity Hope Project Apply for a Caregiver Package  

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We call ourselves the 4am Mom Club because more nights than not, our kids are awake at 4am. We both have very medical, complicated, rare, beautiful children. This is a podcast for medical and disability mamas (and the people who love them) who are facing a life they never expected. We share hope-filled stories of families, all shapes, colors, sizes and abilities, all in different phases of their medically complex or disabled caregiving journey. When Autumn Comes Podcast is a program of the Apricity Hope Project nonprofit. Our mission is to care for caregiver. Learn more at