Making music

Does samba lift your mood? How about karaoke or playing a guitar? Does music feed your soul? Scaachi and Sophia hear how music can make you feel alive and affect sleep quality, mental alertness, and memory. They find out about free lessons in Finland and the power of music in Brazil. It’s time to start singing, play an instrument or sit back and listen and pretend you are in a music video – that’s what Sophia likes doing on a train. Guests: Doctor of education Liisa-Maria Lilja-Viherlampi and Brazilian Voices founder Loren Oliveira. Let us know what you think. Share your thoughts on this episode and suggest ideas for a new one by sending us a voice note on WhatsApp: +44330 123 9459 For more information: The Powerful Impact Of Music- Neuroscience of music ( Stanford): World Happiness Report: Vocal Music Listening Enhances Poststroke Language Network Reorganization: Scoping review of how music affects physicality:

Om Podcasten

Where can women live their best lives? Scaachi Koul and Sophia Smith Galer are pushing past the latest wellness fads to search the globe for the best wellbeing ideas. Each episode hears from two countries about something they are doing well and Scaachi and Sophia choose what they like for their imaginary fantasy land - because we can’t build what we can’t imagine. Topics up for discussion include where women are most likely to have the best body image, do the most equal share of the housework, get the best maternity leave or even where they’re most likely to be celebrated by having a statue made of them. Let us know what you think - send us a Whatsapp voice note on +44330 123 9459. You can read our full the privacy notice here: