Pay gap

Where are women more likely to be paid the same as their male colleagues? Are there good examples of attempts to close the pay gap? Belgium has one of the lowest gender pay gaps in the world. Scaachi Koul and Sophia Smith Galer find out how that has happened. Liberia has further to go on reducing the pay gap, but is making fast progress in shifting mindsets and creating more economic opportunities for women.What, if anything, will Scaachi and Sophia choose to put into the female fantasy land? Helping Scaachi and Sophia are Hildegard Van Hove, coordinator of statistics at the Institute for Gender Equality in Belgium, and Vivian Innis, gender and development specialist in Liberia.You can share your thoughts on this episode and suggest ideas for a new one by sending us a voice note on WhatsApp: +44330 123 9459 For more information: Gender wage gap data: Global Gender Gap Report 2023:

Om Podcasten

Where can women live their best lives? Scaachi Koul and Sophia Smith Galer are pushing past the latest wellness fads to search the globe for the best wellbeing ideas. Each episode hears from two countries about something they are doing well and Scaachi and Sophia choose what they like for their imaginary fantasy land - because we can’t build what we can’t imagine. Topics up for discussion include where women are most likely to have the best body image, do the most equal share of the housework, get the best maternity leave or even where they’re most likely to be celebrated by having a statue made of them. Let us know what you think - send us a Whatsapp voice note on +44330 123 9459. You can read our full the privacy notice here: