How Small Things Can Help with Big Struggles | Sadie Robertson Huff & Tay Lautner

Sadie chats with Tay Lautner, co-host of “The Squeeze” podcast and founder of The Lemons Foundation, an organization that encourages and advocates for those struggling with their mental health. Sadie reads Tay some of her DMs pertaining to mental health questions and struggles, and they both share their hard-won wisdom and experience from their own lives and struggles. As a nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tay has come face-to-face with burnout, stress and post-traumatic stress disorder, but she passes on several helpful bits of advice and techniques to battle mental health trials. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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The "WHOA That's Good" podcast welcomes you into meaningful conversations with authors, athletes, musicians, speakers, and stars of film and television in search of the answer to just one question: What is the best advice you have ever been given? Hosted by Sadie Robertson, best-selling author, founder of Live Original, and star of A&E's "Duck Dynasty" & season 19 of ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," this fun and lighthearted podcast is sure to leave you saying, "WHOA That's Good!"