This Person Made Us Feel Normal During 'Duck Dynasty' | Sadie Robertson Huff | John Luke & Mary Kate Robertson

Sadie is joined by John Luke and Mary Kate Robertson, and they're answering YOUR questions! How did John Luke and Mary Kate meet? What was it like getting engaged — and then married — on a reality TV show ... and then going to college as newlyweds? And you don't want to miss hearing about Sadie and Mary Kate's EPIC fight over a Monopoly game when they were teenagers. Sadie brings everyone to tears as she reflects on how special her and John Luke's relationship with Mary Kate was before, during, and after "Duck Dynasty" and the gift it is to be a trustworthy friend. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

The "WHOA That's Good" podcast welcomes you into meaningful conversations with authors, athletes, musicians, speakers, and stars of film and television in search of the answer to just one question: What is the best advice you have ever been given? Hosted by Sadie Robertson, best-selling author, founder of Live Original, and star of A&E's "Duck Dynasty" & season 19 of ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," this fun and lighthearted podcast is sure to leave you saying, "WHOA That's Good!"