A Man Named Doll w/Jason Woodbury

Jonathan Ames' detective novel A Man Named Doll, and its sequel The Wheel of Doll combine the playfulness of Bored to Death (which Ames created) and You Were Never Really Here (which Lynne Ramsay adapted into a film in 2017. It's a tricky balancing act between tones that Ames pulls of with aplomb. Here to talk about why it should be a movie is Aquarium Drunkard writer and editor Jason Woodbury, who also hosts the Transmissions podcast.

Om Podcasten

Every week, author and pop culture writer Mike Vago pitches stories that Hollywood needs to bring to the big screen, with guests from the pop culture writing world. Part of the Subject Podcast Network. Visit subjectmedia.org for more podcasts, radio shows, and student journalism!