Massacre of the 33d Acqui Division: One of the First Acts of Italian Resistance in WWII

In this episode, Damián Valle joins me to talk about the massacre of the Italian 33d Acqui Division after the Armistice of Cassibile. This is the story that provides the foundation of the novel and movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin. It is sometimes referred to as the first act of Italian resistance, but as Damián notes, there were others all around the same time. Links Acqui Division Massacre at Cephalonia ( WW2TV - The Massacre of the Italian Acqui Division, Cephalonia, September 1943 ( Lost Sons of the Mediterranean Kefalonia, September 1943 ( Corelli's Mandolin: A Novel ( Captain Corelli's Mandolin (

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Season two of the largest Combined, Joint, Multinational Military History effort focuses on American and Allied Forces in Europe and the Pacific through 1944. The 1943 series ended up with 108 episodes with contributions from across all US services, as well as contributions from our British and Canadian friends, and more.