Night Battles in the Solomon Islands

Joining me in this episode is Naval Historian Trent Hone and we talk about the US Navy (and Allies) involved in night battles in the Solomon Islands, and how this period in late 1943 reflects a tremendous amount of learning that the Navy did in the years prior. This episode has a little overlap with the Battle of Kula Gulf episode, so it ties in well with the previous 4 episodes in the series. Links Mastering the Art of Command: Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Victory in the Pacific by Trent Hone ( Fighting in the Dark: Naval Combat at Night: 1904 - 1944 Edited by Vincent O'Hara and Trent Hone ( Learning War: The Evolution of Fighting Doctrine in the US Navy, 1898 - 1945 by Trent Hone ( Nimitz at War: Command Leadership from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay by Craig L. Symonds (⁠⁠)

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Season two of the largest Combined, Joint, Multinational Military History effort focuses on American and Allied Forces in Europe and the Pacific through 1944. The 1943 series ended up with 108 episodes with contributions from across all US services, as well as contributions from our British and Canadian friends, and more.