Typhus, Trenchfoot, and Command Responsibility in Preventive Medicine in Italy 1943

Joining me again is Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage historian Dr. Sanders Marble, this time to talk about some of the medical issues troubling American forces in Italy in the late Fall and Winter of 1943, and the preventive medicine efforts the US Army took at the time to mitigate the situation. There was a bit of confusion at the time as to who was actually responsible for preventive medicine, with fingers pointed back and forth between the G1 and G3, with it ultimately coming to the conclusion that preventive medicine is a command responsibility. Dr. Marble will be back to talk more Army Medicine in 1944.

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Season two of the largest Combined, Joint, Multinational Military History effort focuses on American and Allied Forces in Europe and the Pacific through 1944. The 1943 series ended up with 108 episodes with contributions from across all US services, as well as contributions from our British and Canadian friends, and more.