Uprisings, Ghetto Liquidations, and the Nazi Genocidal Project

In this episode, Dr. Waitman Beorn shares his expertise on what he refers to as "the Nazi genocidal project" which includes not only the mass murder of European Jews in the Holocaust but also the systematic murder of other populations with a focus on Eastern Europe. As Dr. Beorn notes, many have suggested that the unimaginably violent fighting in Eastern Europe was the exception, compared to the fighting in Western Europe, but historic evidence suggests the reverse is more accurate. Dr. Beorn's books are linked below. Links Marching Into Darkness: The Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus (https://www.hup.harvard.edu/books/9780674725508) The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: At the Epicenter of the Final Solution (https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/the-holocaust-in-eastern-europe-9781474232180/) Between the Wires: The Janowska Camp and the Holocaust in Lviv (https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/nebraska/9781496237590/) Visualizing Janowska: Creating a Digital Architectural Model of a Nazi Concentration Camp (https://www.waitmanwbeorn.com/visualizingjanowska)

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Season two of the largest Combined, Joint, Multinational Military History effort focuses on American and Allied Forces in Europe and the Pacific through 1944. The 1943 series ended up with 108 episodes with contributions from across all US services, as well as contributions from our British and Canadian friends, and more.