Ep 56: Dealing With Your Husband’s Health or Medical Issues: Part 1
Most of us are not married to a gym addict or a health fanatic. No, most of us are married to guys who feel poorly now and again and skip (or forgo) regular workouts. In this episode of the WifeSavers Podcast, “Dealing With Your Husband’s Health or Medical Issues: Part 1”, multi-award-winning marriage author and educator Ramona Zabriskie, and her husband of 46 years, Dale, share their personal history of medical challenges and the proactive “remedies” couples can use to keep loving each other in sickness and in health. The TWO questions answered in Part I of this two-part series: THROW ME A WIFESAVER #1: “What are your tips for taking care of a sick dude? And actually, why do guys act so fragile, for lack of a kinder phrase, when they're sick?” ⇒ Listen and learn what to add to over-the-counter meds and kitchen nutrition to help your guy get better soon! THROW ME A WIFESAVER #2: “My husband is overweight and getting more overweight by the day. How can I motivate him to get in shape?” ⇒ Listen and learn five alternatives to nagging (you might not have thought of!) when it comes to motivating him to get into shape. “Ramona is my hero! I love your positivity and optimism. Whenever my husband and children are driving me nuts, and I want to run away, I go for a long walk and listen to your podcast and get some perspective and jump back in with renewed energy. Thank you! ✮✭✭✭✭” Apple Podcasts listener COMING UP NEXT: Dealing with his long-term health issues. Get all of your personal “Throw Me a WifeSaver” questions answered by Ramona as her private mentee: https://wifesavers.org/mentoring/ RELATED EPISODES: WSP Ep 20: It’s Not Fair! (but who’s keeping score?) WS Podcast Ep 37: Dealing With Your Spouse’s Depression Positively WS Podcast Ep 49: How To Avoid Disrespect When You’re Displeased (and why you want to try) And MANY more tutorials at WifeSavers by Ramona on YouTube To contact Ramona or to learn more about personal mentoring with Ramona, go to wifesavers.org