#7 - Joseph Gordon-Levitt: AI and The Film Industry

Hollywood is currently at a standstill due to the joint writer’s & actor’s strike, in part because of the growing threat from generative AI. In this episode, I talk to one of the industry’s greatest talents and thinkers -- Joseph Gordon-Levitt -- about how he believes the industry needs to adapt in the age of synthetic media. We also hear his thoughts on how addictive technology and competitive dynamics are reinventing our relationship with creativity, human connection, even p*rnography!

Om Podcasten

Former poker pro Liv Boeree takes to the interview chair to tease apart the complexities of one of the most fundamental parts of human nature: competition. Liv is joined by top philosophers, gamers, artists, technologists, CEOs, scientists, athletes and more to understand how competition manifests in their world, and how to change seemingly win-lose situations into Win-Wins.