Ep 327: Wine Ingredient Labeling Pushes Forward in the EU -- with Barnaby Eales

This topic may seem too dorky, but consider a world where you could look at a wine label and see if there was unwanted sweetness, or if the wine was packed with chemicals. Barnaby Eales, noted international journalist, discusses the benefits of transparency -- for wine drinkers, for "conventional producers" who are vilified by natural wine advocates, and for the entire wine industry. As the EU moves to make this law, we can only hope it will set a new worldwide standard -- learn the details in this show.

Om Podcasten

A podcast for people who like wine but not the snobbery that goes with it. I talk about wine in a fun, straightforward, normal way to get you excited about it and help you drink better, more interesting stuff. About half the shows feature guests and are informal but educational discussions between me and a passionate wine friend –they aren't interviews. All guests are personal friends or friends of friends in wine so like any conversation between friends, we’ll talk back and forth, interrupt each other, laugh and have fun, debate tough questions, voice our opinions, and most of all, enjoy sharing our time together and with you! The Wine For Normal People book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many local booksellers. Back catalog available on Patreon.com/winefornormalpeople