Ep 488: Wine Travel -- The Inside Scoop on How to Have an Awesome Trip

In this show, we share our best tips for traveling to wine regions. We cover planning and research, the best time of year to visit, and important factors once you’re on the ground. From getting a shipper so your wine is ready to check or ship, to stocking up on gas and provisions, to traveling with kids, we’ve got you covered. Photo: Château Phelan-Segur. Credit: Wine For Normal People   Some key resources we mention: The WFNP podcast catalog is a great resource for finding wineries I recommend: www.winefornormalpeople.libysyn.com   The information on getting wine home, as published on the US Customs & Border Site: https://help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article-212?language=en_US   I hope you enjoy this show and it makes wine travel more fun and relaxing! Happy trails!     Full show notes are on Patreon. Become a member today!  www.patreon.com/winefornormalpeople       _______________________________________________________________ I love my exclusive sponsor, Wine Access, my go-to source for the best selection of interesting, outstanding quality wines you can’t find locally. Go to www.wineaccess.com/normal to join my co-branded wine club with Wine Access and www.wineaccess.com/wfnp so see a page of the wines I'm loving right now from their collection.  Get 10% your first order with my special URL. Check out Wine Access today!    To register for an AWESOME, LIVE WFNP class with Elizabeth go to: www.winefornormalpeople.com/classes

Om Podcasten

A podcast for people who like wine but not the snobbery that goes with it. I talk about wine in a fun, straightforward, normal way to get you excited about it and help you drink better, more interesting stuff. About half the shows feature guests and are informal but educational discussions between me and a passionate wine friend –they aren't interviews. All guests are personal friends or friends of friends in wine so like any conversation between friends, we’ll talk back and forth, interrupt each other, laugh and have fun, debate tough questions, voice our opinions, and most of all, enjoy sharing our time together and with you! The Wine For Normal People book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many local booksellers. Back catalog available on Patreon.com/winefornormalpeople