Giving Voice to Grief Through the Transformative Process of Grieving

In this fascinating, insightful and timely conversation, Linda and Lana speak with Sairey Luterman, Certified Thanatologist and Grief Counselor, about the transformative process of grief. Sairey sits in the mystery of uncertainty with her clients and helps them navigate their way through the “not knowing” to answer the questions they need answers to.  

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BE INSPIRED! At Wise Women Speak, transformative coach and consultant, Linda Pritcher, gives voice to women speaking out in the world in authentic and refreshing ways. Through conversation she draws out how each woman discovered her own guidance system and listened deeply to that voice within to create a life fueled by Insight, Inspiration and Action! In special Wise Women Speak episodes Linda shares her personal and professional insights as creator, collaborator, coach and consultant, to illuminate answers to the prevalent issues challenging her clients and those who attend her events. She can be reached at