Let's Play A Love Game

What's the love game you tend to play out in relationships? Cause if you're an empath... it's probably one of overgiving... and it probably shows up in all of your relationships & impacts your health too. In this episode we're going over how to release these "love games" & also how it can be quite activating to be around people who don't play out your usual pattern. ☀️Get your ticket to the Summer Fitness Witchcraft Challenge >>here<<July 15th-29th 2024✨Take the Fitne...

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Where health & fitness meets magic & witchcraft. ✨Join Emily, Druidic High Priestess & the founder of Fitness Witchcraft which helps witches to become mentally & physically healthy after trauma for advice & discussions that relate to your wellbeing--from science based nutritional advice to magic, deity work, & all the psychology that backs it up.