October Energy Forecast: Power, Diet Culture, & Your Innate Magic

🎃Happy spooky month! Emily is here doing her first channeled energy forecast for the themes you can expect to pop up in October. This month is allll about power so we dive into a discussion around power-over versus power-within, diet culture, how to reclaim your personal power with health & then a collective tarot reading for October. ✨Take the Fitness Goddess Archetype Quiz➡️Unshaming Fitness 6 (Now 8) Week ProgramLearn more here➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...empowering i...

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Where health & fitness meets magic & witchcraft. ✨Join Emily, Druidic High Priestess & the founder of Fitness Witchcraft which helps witches to become mentally & physically healthy after trauma for advice & discussions that relate to your wellbeing--from science based nutritional advice to magic, deity work, & all the psychology that backs it up.