What it Means to be a Witch

What does it mean to be a witch? Do you have to do spells? Or work with spirit guides or deities? Are you evil?? My definition is a bit different from most, but it’s likely not what you expect, but it's what you need to hear. ➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...empowering witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.➡️ Sign up here🥳CONNECT WITH ME:Check out Emily's Recipe BlogFind her on InstagramFind her on ...

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Where health & fitness meets magic & witchcraft. ✨Join Emily, Druidic High Priestess & the founder of Fitness Witchcraft which helps witches to become mentally & physically healthy after trauma for advice & discussions that relate to your wellbeing--from science based nutritional advice to magic, deity work, & all the psychology that backs it up.