Ep.80 Nicole Ramsden - Leading outside of your comfort zone

This week, Karen is joined by Nicole Ramsden, Chief Data Office Lead at JP Morgan. Throughout her career, Nicole has worn various hats in many locations, but when she was appointed to build a new data function for JP Morgan, she found herself leading outside of her comfort zone. In this episode, hear how she overcame these challenges to build a high-performing chief data office while ensuring a diverse talent pipeline.    Enjoy!  ***********************  Show notes:  ***********************  Nicole’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-ramsden-71731224/  She recommends  Gallup’s strength assessment: https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/252137/home.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=uk_branded_cs_ecom&utm_term=gallup%20strengths&gclid=CjwKCAjw8JKbBhBYEiwAs3sxN405VarwaMjnMwlVHNPcMn7p2C6a0rrBD3NBIKMbHc2OQAhsOVrEUxoCE8EQAvD_BwE  JP Morgan’s reading list: https://www.jpmorgan.com/news/jpmorgan-launches-23rd-annual-summer-reading-list   A race for tomorrow: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/58950517-race-for-tomorrow  CEO Excellence: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-on-books/ceo-excellence 

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Welcome to the Women in Data Podcast, where every other week your host, Karen Jean-Francois interviews some of the most inspiring women working in data. Through each episode, they share their invaluable experience and knowledge. Leaving no stone unturned, the WiD Podcast series will provide you with information on the use of data in various industries, plus helpful tips for career development. More importantly, it will enable you to become the data professional you want to be.