6 Ways to Use AI in Real Estate Today

This episode is simple and straight to the point. The reality is that technology is taking jobs left and right and many of you are afraid that you are missing out on the tools you need to grow your business, build a business, or just stay a float in an ever growing and expensive economy. Tune into 6 ways you can use AI as a Real Estate Agent now. Let me know what you think and follow me at @womenintechwithariana every where or find me on LinkedIn at Ariana The Techie. Connect with me here: https://linktr.ee/arianathetechie

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The Women in Tech with Ariana podcast is a global podcast in 10+ countries that features women in tech and entrepreneurship, talks about the latest news in tech, and sharing tangible resources to help women navigate the tech industry. From funding opportunities for your startup, access to free coding courses, monthly sponsor giveaways, job opportunities and so much more. www.arianathetechie.com