105 - Your Hurt & Harm Is A Part of Your Gift with Elliott Connie

Our traumas can pave the way to our greatest gifts & wildest successes. Take it from Elliott Connie, a celebrity psychotherapist and one of the most kick-ass, self-aware people I know. His vulnerability in speaking up about being abused as a child got him a million-dollar business and a bunch of TV appearances! Elliott and I sat down to have a heart-to-heart about the positive mindset that can transform deep wounds into a personal narrative of strength. In this episode, you’ll learn: ⭐ Why trying to fit in will stunt your success – and how to be courageously YOU  ⭐ How to overcome doubt & guarantee that the right opportunities will come your way ⭐ The perfect reframe to create resilience even when what you’ve tried before hasn’t worked Introduction Be GRATEFUL for your entire story. Embracing who you truly are guarantees success. Doubt is the most useless emotion - quit it! We are all miracle workers. Success is our BIRTHRIGHT. The right opportunities will find you. Learn more about Elliott Connie here. https://Elliotttconnie.com #authenticity #success #business —------------------ Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/@WomenRockingBusiness -- Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.  As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.  Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap. Find Sage here: Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035 Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine   Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine  Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/ Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

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Your clients are waiting for YOU - not someone like you, but actually YOU! Women Rocking Business is the podcast to help you get there. Learn how to take make money with your message while shining your light in a way that makes you irresistible to your ideal clients.