129 - 10 Ways to Attract High-Ticket Clients w High-Integrity Marketing

I’m on fire to support as many women entrepreneurs (like you!) as possible to sell high ticket using high integrity marketing in the New Year - so you can have a breakout revenue year in 2025! Here’s the 10 benefits to High Integrity Marketing which sets up High Ticket Programs - while being your beautiful self at the same time!  You can do this dear sister!!!   01:02: What does it look like to be out of integrity in your marketing 01:46: Why 200 followers can be more valuable than 20,000 02:54: How to attract the type of client who wants the transformation you’re offering 03:21: The biggest reason high-integrity marketing leads to referrals 04:35: How to use high-integrity marketing to stand out online 07:53: What to do so you never have to “convince” anyone to work with you 08:44: Can you self-actualize through your business?   Read the article here: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/10-ways-to-attract-high-ticket-clients-with-high-integrity-marketing/ Join the Women Rocking Business Sisterhood and surround yourself with other high-integrity, unique, passionate women who are growing their businesses: https://urlgeni.us/facebook/highintegritymarketing If you want to learn the high-integrity, high-ticket speaking framework that’s generated tens of millions for me and my clients…Join me at the Rock the Virtual Stage Workshop. >>> Get your discounted ticket here. https://go.womenrockingbusiness.com/rtsworkshop   ⚡️Let’s get your talk done now to get you to 6-figures.    #highticketsales #femininebusiness #highintegritymarketing -- Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/@WomenRockingBusiness -- Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business. As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TEDx stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.  Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.   Find Sage here:   Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035 Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine   Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine  Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/ Watch my TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

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Your clients are waiting for YOU - not someone like you, but actually YOU! Women Rocking Business is the podcast to help you get there. Learn how to take make money with your message while shining your light in a way that makes you irresistible to your ideal clients.