30. Building confidence: Unpacking imposter syndrome and overcoming self-doubt

In this episode, I dive into the topic of building confidence as a developer, a woman, a mum and a business owner. I reflect on my own journey and evolution, acknowledging that confidence is a never-ending journey. Impostor syndrome is a major factor that can hold us back, but it’s important to recognize that we all experience it. I encourage you to take risks, push through the discomfort, and do it scared. Do it anyway. As women, our confidence may have been affected by past experiences of failure, lack of belief, or being taught to keep quiet. I challenge you to reflect on specific instances that may have dented your confidence and break down the true source of those feelings. Getting through self-doubt requires trusting in yourself and the process, knowing that we have overcome challenges in the past and will continue to do so in the future. I share a personal example of how avoiding a situation out of fear led to a compounded problem, highlighting that often, the fear of doing something is worse than actually doing it. The key is to clearly identify the next step and take it, knowing that it will lead to growth and success. ———————————— Designer, developer, creative, VA, freelancer or marketing professional? Women Wealth WordPress is for you. For links to resources discussed in this podcast, each episode has its own post over on the website. Follow me on Instagram @seedlingdigital or @womenwealthwordpress Download my free Dream Life Workbook. If you love what I do here, please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast! Aim big,Nikki

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Women Wealth WordPress by Nikki Hamilton is dedicated to helping women start, and succeed, in the wonderful world of website design and development. Are you paying yourself last, struggling to find clients or attracting projects that drag out and drain all your energy? In this podcast, we will cover the mindset, processes, tools and strategies you need to build a thriving digital design business, work with clients you love on projects that light you up, develop a flexible work schedule that works for you and uncover the potential for uncapped income as a freelancer and your own boss. You will hear open, honest and raw chats with women who have achieved success as a freelance website designer, professionals in related fields with knowledge to spare, and shorter minisodes from Nikki that answer your questions and get straight to the good stuff with actionable and timely tips and tricks. My hope is that you leave each episode feeling inspired, ready to take action and make more money as a freelancer.Note that this podcast may contain affiliate links. I only recommend tools that I use, love and trust (and think you’ll appreciate too!). For more about learning to become a website developer check out womenwealthwordpress.com. To work with me on branding or website development head to seedlingdigital.com.au or come connect with me on Instagram @seedlingdigital @womenwealthwordpress