Finding Sisterhood Among Black Female Pilots
According to the FAA, women make up just seven percent of all certified pilots, and of those female pilots, less than one percent are Black women. Captains Kellie Young and Stephanie Hartsfield are among that percentage, having spent careers flying on international legacy carriers, cargo flights, and corporate planes. This week, we're catching up with Kellie and Stephanie to learn about their journeys, the challenges along the way, and how they're paying it forward for Black female pilots of the future. Both are a part of Sisters of the Skies, a non-profit dedicated to mentorship, scholarships, and outreach to young Black women to follow in their footsteps into the pilot's seat. Read a full transcript of the episode here: Follow Sisters of the Skies: @sistersoftheskies Follow Stephanie: @pilotsteph Follow Kellie: @shefliesjets Follow Lale: @lalehannah Follow Meredith: @ohheytheremere Follow Women Who Travel: @womenwhotravel