Ep 41 - Power Moms with Joann S. Lublin

Joann S. Lublin is an extremely established and recognized leader in the journalist world who raised two children while rising to management news editor of the Wall Street Journal, where she’s been recognized with a shared Pulitzer Prize and the highest accolade in business journalism, the Gerald Loeb Lifetime Achievement Award. She also inaugurated the Journal’s career advice column in 1993, continuing to write its “Your Executive Career” column until May of last year. She’s now written two books, her first: Earning It: Hard-Won Lessons from Trailblazing Women at the  Top of the Business World and now POWER MOMS: How Executive Mothers Navigate Work and Life where she interviewed 86 Power Moms - Baby Boomers from the first wave and Gen Xers from the second wave -- along with 25 adult daughters of those first wave boomers.  Together we discuss the differences and similarities across generational power moms, perspectives from adult daughters of power moms (ditch the mom guilt!), the importance of supportive partners, as well as how women navigate and are perceived in the workplace as they make more humans (spoiler alert: motherhood makes us better leaders!) We also cover how to think about the ever elusive work-life sway. You can connect with Joann via @joannlublin on social channels and on www.joannlublin.com

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Delivering compelling conversations about societal gender norms surrounding success, money and household roles. Focusing on a range of topics such as women in the workplace, gender roles within and outside the home, entrepreneurship, parenting, money, career, women's healthcare, wellness and more! Hear from entrepreneurs, best-selling authors and industry leaders as they share their stories of how they themselves have risen to success or overcome obstacles; how they've seen those around them face challenges and opportunities; all while navigating their roles at home, at work and in society. ​Hosted by Bethanie Baynes, a tireless women's advocate and recognized leader on the topic of breadwinning women. With an almost two-decade career in tech as an executive with Google, she is the founder of the Breadwinning Women's community at Google (3000+ global members) and has been featured on CNBC, Refinery 29, Know Your Value "Women in the News" and on podcasts such as So Money with Farnoosh Torabi. She was an official speaker at 2020's NYC Women's March and hosts many episodes of Talks At Google, the company sponsored YouTube channel, on topics focused on furthering women in various industries. Note: The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host, and do not represent the opinions of her employer. There is no affiliation between this podcast and Google.