FW 200 Condor

The first in an (eventual) series on "Citizen Soldier" Warbirds: aircraft that started as Civvies, but ended but being drafted for the War. The FW 200 started out as a peaceful airliner but became the "Scourge of the Atlantic".  Join the Community: patreon.com/WorldofWarbirds Support: Via PayPal Like to Watch? Go to the YouTube Channel Visit the WOWB Kitshop: Kitshop Join the community on Facebook, Insta, Threads or bpearce29@gmail.com Try out Magic Mind using code: WARBIRDS20 https://magicmind.com/warbirds

Om Podcasten

Each episode is an exploration of a different aircraft from the World Wars Era: how they were designed, built, modified and used in combat and if any have survived.