4. Tuva Palm – How to lead in a digital environment

Due to current situation that the world is facing the process to move employees into a digital workspace has been forced upon us. This puts a lot of pressure on leaders in adjusting their leadership to a digital one.

This week we meet Tuva Palm who has a long background in the tech-industry. Both with working very close to the technique but also with leadership on high levels. We talk about the digital leadership, what it means and how to inspire employees to work towards results. About how to foster innovation in these challenging times, how it can support us and how you can create an opportunity out of it. Because don’t forget that these big changes will impact the way of living and that this also makes it possible for us to use innovation to support these.

Om Podcasten

This is a podcast for all of us that are passionate about innovation in any shape or form. In each episode we highlight the subject from different angels such as what type of leadership it needs, sustainability and of course innovative technical solutions changing the world. We know that innovation is critical for the future and that it comes with both challenges and responsibility. So, we want to talk about how we can innovate in the best way and dive into concrete innovative initiatives that makes you go WOW! Bi-weekly we will publish new interviews with people from different industries and backgrounds with the purpose to spread knowledge and hopefully give you new thoughts and ideas and connect you with some of the most innovative people out there. To be sure not to miss anything, connect with me on LinkedIn, on my Fanny Wow profile. Of course we also want your input and tips about guests that you want to listen to, so don’t be afraid to reach out to me with suggestions on topics and speakers.