908 WP-Tonic Show: Building An iOS & Android App Development Business For WordPress

Are You Looking To Build An iOS & Android App That Works With Your Website? Transform your WordPress skills into a booming iOS & Android app development business. With our engaging video presentation, embark on an exciting journey towards establishing a profitable iOS & Android app development venture within WordPress. Delve into practical insights on creating innovative apps that cater to diverse audiences while harnessing WordPress's flexibility as a foundation. Elevate your entrepreneurial aspirations by learning key strategies for growth and sustainability in this ever-evolving digital landscape. Start watching today. With Special Guest Pietro Saccomani Founder of Mobiloud https://www.mobiloud.com/ https://youtu.be/hzjCj50gUKw?si=mYPG5Ay2zid9xeEp #1 - Pietro, can you outline how you got into tech and app development? #2 - What was the foundation story behind MobiLoud, and what particular problem does it help solve? #3—Pietro, you have extensive experience in the SaaS area. Can you give us some insights on a couple of mistakes you see startup founders make on a semi-regular basis? #4—What have been some of the biggest obstacles you have faced in getting traction with MobiLoud? #5 - How will AI change App development in the next 18 months? #6—If you had your time machine (H. G. Wells) and could travel back to the beginning of your career and business journey, what essential piece of advice would you give yourself?   Pietro Saccomani https://www.mobiloud.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/pietrosaccomani/

Om Podcasten

WP-Tonic is a podcast for WordPress professionals and Bootstrap SaaS startup entrepreneurs or anybody looking to build a business online. We cover a large number of areas with our main show. We interview some creative WordPress and startup entrepreneurs plus online experts who, with their insights, can help you build your online business. Jonathan Denwood and Kurt von Ahnen host and produce the WP-Tonic podcast, which is one of the longest-running WordPress podcasts. Each episode brings you valuable insights with one goal: to help you generate more income and impact through online businesses.