Segment 1 • Preaching should not just inform your mind, but also ignite a love for Jesus. • Conservative sermons might be overcorrecting, giving us knowledge but no heart. Segment 2 • Adoption—Thomas Watson calls it a greater mercy than even justification. • The proper goal of a sermon is not knowledge. Segment 3 • Kamala Harris claims late-term abortions don’t exist, but a simple phone call reveals the truth. • Does character justify voting for policies that oppose life? Segment 4 • Welcome to Evangelicals for Satan…What? • Supporting Harris is like endorsing evil, no matter the reasoning. ___ Thanks for listening! Wretched Radio would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners. If you would like to support Wretched Radio we would be extremely grateful. VISIT https://fortisinstitute.org/donate/ If you are already a Gospel Partner we couldn’t be more thankful for you if we tried!