It’s Witness Wednesday! Todd Friel is in Minneapolis to talk about faith, sin, and salvation. Segment 1: • Refuting the existence of purgatory; emphasizing immediate transition into eternity after death. • Todd encourages critical thinking about the state of the soul and preparation for judgment. Segment 2: • A young man dismisses the afterlife as a “fairy tale,” despite acknowledging guilt in breaking moral laws. • Todd shares an analogy of valuing physical eyesight versus our eternal soul highlighting misplaced priorities. Segment 3: • Lindsey believes in being good and that forgiveness will secure her place in heaven, but struggles with articulating her faith. • Todd’s conversation with Lindsey challenges her casual approach to God, emphasizing repentance and trust in Christ. Segment 4: • Garrett, a young man with visible tattoos, surprises with a clear confession of faith and understanding of sin and grace. • Emphasis is put on the importance of salvation being about escaping judgment, not improving life circumstances. ___ Thanks for listening! Wretched Radio would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners. If you would like to support Wretched Radio we would be extremely grateful. VISIT https://fortisinstitute.org/donate/ If you are already a Gospel Partner we couldn’t be more thankful for you if we tried!

Om Podcasten

Wretched Radio is hosted by Todd Friel. On the show, you will hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and various topics in the Christian community. You might even have a laugh.