It’s Witness Wednesday! Todd Friel is at Gainesville State University in Gainesville, Georgia and discusses physical blindness vs spiritual blindness, wavering faith, and how to share your faith most effectively. Segment 1: • Sight vs. Insight: A blind student reflects on how losing his vision helped him see the world differently. • Honest Self-Examination: Despite claiming to be “good,” admits to breaking God’s laws, including lying and dishonoring parents. • Gospel Reminder: Salvation is not about being “not bad”; it’s about trusting Jesus, who died for sinners. Segment 2: • Facing the Judge: A candid student fears what God might say about his life but admits he hasn't followed Him fully. • The Disconnect: "I do everything for me," he confesses, highlighting the gap between claiming faith and living it. • A Clear Choice: Understand who Jesus is, and either reject or embrace His offer of mercy. Segment 3: • The Honesty Test: A robe-wearing student grapples with lies, theft, and lust, admitting, “I’m not living like a Christian.” • A Savior for the Bad Restaurant: Illustrates how Jesus saves not the “clean” but the broken and sinful. • Why It Matters: Until we see how bad we are, we can’t fully appreciate the depth of Christ’s sacrifice. Segment 4: • Laser-Focused Gospel: Avoid distractions and present the gospel as forgiveness for sin, not a fix for life’s problems. • Grace Over Effort: True salvation comes from trust in Jesus, not personal performance or “earning” God’s favor. • Daily Freedom: The gospel isn’t just for salvation—it’s for daily living in the assurance of God’s unchanging grace. ___ Thanks for listening! Wretched Radio would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners. If you would like to support Wretched Radio we would be extremely grateful. VISIT https://fortisinstitute.org/donate/ If you are already a Gospel Partner we couldn’t be more thankful for you if we tried!

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Wretched Radio is hosted by Todd Friel. On the show, you will hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and various topics in the Christian community. You might even have a laugh.