It’s Witness Wednesday! Todd Friel is on campus in Gainesville, GA to talk with students about creation, repentance, and genuine belief over tradition. Segment 1: • Complexity Points to a Creator: A future doctor acknowledges the design of the human body as evidence of God’s creation. • Faith vs. Commandments: The student believes following commandments earns salvation but admits personal failure in keeping them perfectly. • Grace Explained: Salvation is through Jesus’ completed work, not human effort—a transformative message of hope. Segment 2: • Reincarnation vs. Judgment: A Sikh student describes rebirth based on karma, contrasted with Christianity's "one life, one judgment" principle. • Jesus as the Payment for Sin: Introducing the concept of grace—Jesus’ sacrifice pays the ultimate penalty for sin. • Turning from Self to Jesus: Highlighting the need for repentance and trust in Christ rather than striving for a better rebirth. Segment 3: • Cultural Faith, Personal Uncertainty: A polite young Methodist inherits faith but struggles to articulate its message or offer peace to others. • Self-Examination: Encouraging the student to reflect on their relationship with Christ to ensure genuine belief, not mere tradition. • Eternal Assurance: The gospel promises peace and reconciliation with God through repentance and faith in Jesus. Segment 4: • Relativity Challenged: College students wrestle with the conflict between subjective truths and the absoluteness of Christ’s claims. • Fear and Love: Using fear of judgment to lead to the realization of God’s love through Jesus’ sacrifice. • Urgency of Decision: Encouraging the students to see faith as a response to God’s kindness and an opportunity to embrace eternal truth today. ___ Thanks for listening! Wretched Radio would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners. If you would like to support Wretched Radio we would be extremely grateful. VISIT If you are already a Gospel Partner we couldn’t be more thankful for you if we tried!