Segment 1: • Eternal Focus Over Election Fever: With politics in turmoil, it’s time to refocus on eternity—hell is far worse than any national crisis. • The Cost of a Lost Soul: Earthly gains are empty when eternity is on the line; there’s no hope in bartering your soul. • The Moment After Death: For the lost, the first instant after death is one of unimaginable despair—better never to have been born than to die in sin. Segment 2: • An Eternity Without Joy: Hell strips away all earthly pleasures and leaves unfulfilled desires—a misery beyond comprehension. • Billions Face Judgment: Countless people, who never responded to the Gospel, will face God’s fury on Judgment Day. • What Believers Gain: Reflect not only on escaping hell’s horrors but also on the indescribable joy that awaits believers. Segment 3: • A Life on Display: The voyeuristic trend of nonstop livestreaming shows people bored with their own lives, craving more meaning. • False Fulfillment: Watching others live out mundane moments hints at deeper issues—a form of “living” that’s far from God’s intent. • Humanism’s Rotten Fruit: The secular push for constant sharing and watching has lost the point of genuine life and relationships. Segment 4: • Resolving Conflict with Integrity: Address wrongs honestly—public sins deserve public repentance. • Real Repentance Shows: True repentance should drive us to change, accepting responsibility, and making things right with those we’ve wronged. • Forgiveness Misused: Beware of weaponizing forgiveness as a control tool rather than seeking genuine reconciliation. ___ Thanks for listening! Wretched Radio would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners. If you would like to support Wretched Radio we would be extremely grateful. VISIT If you are already a Gospel Partner we couldn’t be more thankful for you if we tried!