Interpreting Your Circumstances - WN 143

I've been thinking a lot about our circumstances lately, and how we interpret what we are going through, and how that interpretation informs a huge part of our self-identity and self-worth as writers and creators. What would we do, and who would we become, if we interpreted our situation(s) a little bit differently? For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit:  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! As always, thank you for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

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A podcast for all writers (aspiring to professional) looking to find a healthy work/life/writing balance. Get the encouragement, honest advice, and inspiration you need to pursue your passion and write every day. Recurring themes include books, coffee, rainy days, truth, beauty, lasers, dinosaurs, and all of your other favorite things.