Episode #10 - How to get hired as a UX writer in 2020, with Gordon MacRea

Are you looking for a job as a UX writer in 2020? Then no hyperbole: you need to listen to this podcast. Gordon MacRae is an instructional designer, product manager, UX writer, and more. He started the UX Writing Jobs newsletter in 2018 to collate all the opportunities for UX writers around the world, and he's learned more along the way about the market than just about anyone else.

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UX writing. Content design. Call it whatever you want: words and content are more important to good design and technology than ever. The words, phrases, and sentences you see in a user interface don't just appear there. They are written. Carefully crafted. This podcast is about the people who write those words, who design experiences with words, and who combine the power of language and technology.