We’re Back! (Ep 022)

In this episode, Sarah and Nicole talk about their writing summers and share what they’ve recently learned about submitting book proposals and finishing book projects. Plus, a tip and tool about Google Voice. Resources we mention in this episode: Nicole’s new blog series on writing with depression: https://www.nicoleroccas.com/1240-2/ Google Voice: https://voice.google.com Alternatives for people outside the US: https://tech.co/business-phone-systems/google-voice-alternative Join the conversation in the Writing on Wednesdays Facebook Group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/WritingonWednesdays/) Until next time, Nicole Roccas - www.nicoleroccas.com Sarah Bereza - www.sarah-bereza.com

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If you’re looking for a way to make your writing life more actionable, sustainable, and just plain pleasant, this podcast is for you! Join Nicole Roccas and Sarah Bereza as they talk about building healthy and sustainable writing habits from beginning to end, but mostly in the middle.