Journaling Techniques For Personal Empowerment

When we encounter unexpected change, the shift in experience can knock us off our centre. Certainty is replaced with unpredictability, and that can leave us feeling exposed, vulnerable, and even unsafe. When our emotions are high, intelligence can be low. In turn, it's harder to think clearly. This can lead to inertia and a feeling of stuckness. The spiral gets reinforced! "When there's chaos in our lives, being able to come back to ourselves, recalibrate, and feel grounded in who we are is a...

Om Podcasten

Journaling is an incredible self-improvement practice that will help you cultivate the introspection and self-awareness you need to become your best self. Each week on this podcast, we explore tried-and-tested techniques, along with journaling prompts and interviews with passionate journalers, to help you dig deeper into yourself. With the help of this podcast, you can access your unique wisdom, expand your self-awareness, and become your most authentic self. Let's start writing 💕