Knowing & Freeing Your True Self Through Journaling

"I bring the three Cs to the blank page because I want to know myself through my journaling." You are 1 in 6 billion. You are utterly unique. There's no one else on the planet who's experienced the same life as you in the same way that you have. In turn, your perspective is invaluable - because it's one of a kind. Your true self knows this. Your true self knows you have access to a unique reservoir of insight, wisdom, and knowing that can enhance your life - and benefit the world. Journ...

Om Podcasten

Journaling is an incredible self-improvement practice that will help you cultivate the introspection and self-awareness you need to become your best self. Each week on this podcast, we explore tried-and-tested techniques, along with journaling prompts and interviews with passionate journalers, to help you dig deeper into yourself. With the help of this podcast, you can access your unique wisdom, expand your self-awareness, and become your most authentic self. Let's start writing 💕