Meet the CEO Bringing Seaweed to Your Grocery Store

Seaweed has lots of practical applications. We use it as fertilizer, incorporate it into face creams and packaging as a plastic alternative, and we eat it. Very little of the seaweed used worldwide is grown in the U.S., which some proponents and regulators are looking to change because seaweed has been shown to have some positive effects on ecosystems. Maine-based Atlantic Sea Farms is one company looking to increase the amount of seaweed grown in U.S. waters. WSJ’s Alex Ossola speaks with Atlantic Sea Farms CEO Briana Warner about how her company is making that happen, and what it will take for seaweed aquaculture to truly scale in the U.S. What do you think about the show? Let us know on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or email us: Sign up for the WSJ's free The Future of Everything newsletter.  Further reading:  A Seaweed Crop Finds a Spot in Maine Waters  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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