Episode 19: Book of Mormon Theology (Joseph Spencer)

The Book of Mormon is often read chronologically, historically, or doctrinally.  But have you ever considered studying it theologically? That’s what a group of scholars at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute at BYU are doing, with wonderful results.  In this episode, one of the authors and editors of The Book of Mormon: Brief Theological Introductions series, Dr. Joseph Spencer, discusses what theology is and why it can be a powerful approach to studying scripture.

Om Podcasten

Each year, religion professors at Brigham Young University (BYU) produce hundreds of publications on subjects related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This podcast brings this research into one place to enlighten the everyday seeker of truth. Interviewing the author, we discuss why the study was done, why it matters, and why the professor chooses to be both a scholar, and a disciple. This is Y Religion.