Episode 20: The Greek Texts of the New Testament (Lincoln Blumell)

While most of us encounter the text of the New Testament in English as it was interpreted by the King James translators, it was originally written in Greek. In this insightful episode, Dr. Lincoln Blumell takes us into the Greek world of the New Testament and its historical texts and times. He gives listeners some fascinating insights to passages and ideas from the New Testament, showing why a little contextual knowledge can have big doctrinal implications.

Om Podcasten

Each year, religion professors at Brigham Young University (BYU) produce hundreds of publications on subjects related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This podcast brings this research into one place to enlighten the everyday seeker of truth. Interviewing the author, we discuss why the study was done, why it matters, and why the professor chooses to be both a scholar, and a disciple. This is Y Religion.